I was listening to a cooking Podcast called "The Crumb" today driving home from town. They were discussing a cookbook written about Midwest baking and the topic came up about the tradition of "cookie tables" at a wedding. I was intrigued. I had never heard of them so I perked up to hear more about them. Wedding "cookie tables" are a wedding tradition that is hard to pin the exact origin, however, they are a "must" in Ohio it seems. There does appear to be a bit of controversy between ... View Post
Pinterest is NOT a Wedding Planner
"I hope my wedding is as good as what I pinned on Pinterest!"Confetti.co.uk Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Pinterest. I have found some of my best wedding decorating ideas on Pinterest, but also some of my biggest wedding fails. And there is that problem of falling into the Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole of Pinterest and not coming up for air for days -- I will confess it has sucked me in more than once! Proof of my addiction can be found on my Pinterest boards.I'm not ... View Post
5 Unexpected Reasons to Have A Cocktail Style Reception for your Wedding
Follow my blog with Bloglovin There are many decisions to make as you are planning your wedding. Â One of the most expensive and difficult ones is your reception. Â What to eat, where to have it, how much will is it cost and who has to sit by Uncle Bert and Aunt Alice. Here is where I'm going to break with tradition and suggest you consider a Cocktail/Appetizer style wedding reception. Â I have spent more years than I would like to admit watching people interact at all kinds of events, ... View Post